Dream and Build with LYSA’s Google Cloud Services!

Capitalize on cloud operations, data, automation, and analytics by collaborating with LYSA. Our team is prepared to assist you in migrating and running your business-critical applications on Google Cloud with extensive capabilities throughout your migration and beyond.

By working with LYSA, reap the benefits of Google Cloud services for your business. Take full advantage of GCP’s technologies and tools, innovation, and efficiencies to accelerate digital transformation, reduce costs, and capitalize on your investment.


The Perks of Google Cloud Services!

Latest Functionalities

The changes made on the platform are gradual and small, giving users time to adjust.

Remote Access

You will have complete access to the data, which can be accessed at any time, from anywhere.

Smooth Collaboration

By allowing simultaneous access and contribution, Google Cloud makes collaboration on a project easier.

Unmatched Security

Google is a name connected with security and its cloud counterpart is an appropriate instance for the same.

4 Key Factors!

Why Partner with LYSA for Google Cloud?

Contact Us

LYSA ensures a promising move to the Google Cloud platform with its sufficient resources, personnel, and time.

Managed Services?

Take advantage of a range of Google solutions, including application modernization, data analytics, and DevOps to run a more scalable, cost-efficient business.

Planning And Migration?

Utilizing our skilled planning, refactoring, and deployment services, you can migrate your systems with confidence.

Data And Analytics?

Leverage end-to-end data and analytics solutions to make well-informed decisions for business processes, growth, and innovation.


A comprehensive range of Google Cloud consulting services to assist you in achieving your cloud vision on Google Cloud

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Easy solutions for all difficult IT problems, keep business safe & ensure high availability.



GCP provides a robust and comprehensive cloud computing platform that enables businesses to run their applications, store and manage their data, and leverage advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities. GCP services offer a wide range of tools and services that can be used by businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. These services are designed to be scalable, reliable, and secure, and they can be used to build and deploy applications in a flexible and cost-effective manner. Below we have highlighted our GCP services that allow businesses to best meet their needs and stay ahead of the competition:

Compute Engine

It is a virtual machine (VM) hosting service that allows users to create and run virtual machines on Google's infrastructure. Compute Engine provides a variety of VM options, including predefined machine types, custom machine types, and sole-tenant nodes. Users can choose from a range of operating systems and configure their virtual machines to suit their needs. Compute Engine also offers various features such as load balancing, autoscaling, and virtual private cloud (VPC) networking, which makes it easy to build and manage scalable, high-performance applications.

Cloud Storage

It is a highly scalable and durable object storage service that allows users to store and access data in the cloud using simple and cost-effective methods. With Cloud Storage, users can store and retrieve any type of data, including images, videos, audio files, documents, and backups. Data is stored in buckets, which can be located in different regions around the world, providing global access to data. Cloud Storage provides a range of features, including versioning, lifecycle management, access control, and encryption, which makes it easy to manage and secure data. It also offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing users to only pay for the storage they use, without any upfront costs or long-term commitments.

Cloud Virtual N/W

Cloud Virtual Network (VPC) is a networking service that allows users to create and manage their own virtual private network in the cloud. A virtual network is created by defining subnets, IP addresses, routes, and firewall rules. The virtual network provides a private, isolated environment in which GCP resources can communicate securely with each other. Additionally, GCP's VPC allows users to connect their on-premises network to their cloud environment using VPN (Virtual Private Network) or Dedicated Interconnect connections. Overall, GCP's VPC service provides a scalable and flexible networking solution for building and managing cloud-based applications.

Stackdriver Monitoring

Stackdriver Monitoring is a monitoring and logging service that helps users monitor their cloud infrastructure and applications. With Stackdriver Monitoring, users can collect, view, and analyze metrics, logs, and traces from their GCP resources, such as virtual machines, containers, and applications, in one centralized location. This service provides a comprehensive view of the health and performance of the user's GCP resources, allowing users to troubleshoot issues, identify trends, and optimize their resources. Stackdriver Monitoring offers preconfigured dashboards and alerting capabilities, allowing users to set up customized notifications based on metrics and logs thresholds. Users can also create custom dashboards, charts, and alerts using the monitoring data collected from their GCP resources.

Cloud Logging

Cloud Logging is a logging service provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that allows users to collect, store, search, analyze, and alert on logs generated from their GCP resources, such as virtual machines, containers, and applications. With Cloud Logging, users can collect logs from various sources including Google Cloud Platform services, third-party applications, and custom applications running on GCP resources. These logs can be stored in a centralized location, and users can search and filter logs using advanced querying capabilities to find specific events and troubleshoot issues. Cloud Logging also provides real-time log ingestion and analysis, allowing users to create alerts and notifications based on log data.

File Store

Filestore is a managed file storage service that allows users to create and manage file shares that can be mounted as a network file system (NFS) or Server Message Block (SMB) file share. With Filestore, users can create file shares that can be used by applications running on GCP virtual machines or on-premises infrastructure connected to GCP via VPN or interconnect. Filestore allows users to scale up or down their file share capacity as needed, without requiring any modifications to the applications using the file share. Filestore also provides data replication, automatic backups, and snapshots for data protection and disaster recovery.

Container Engine

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a managed container orchestration service that allows users to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes. With GKE, users can create a cluster of virtual machines that are automatically provisioned, configured, and managed by GCP. Users can deploy and manage their containerized applications using Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform that provides advanced features such as load balancing, auto-scaling, and self-healing capabilities. GKE also provides integrated monitoring and logging capabilities using Stackdriver, allowing users to monitor the health and performance of their applications and troubleshoot issues using real-time metrics, logs, and traces.

Cloud SQL

Cloud SQL is a fully managed relational database service that allows users to create, manage, and scale MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases in the cloud. With Cloud SQL, users can easily provision and manage their databases without the need for managing the underlying infrastructure. Cloud SQL provides high availability, automatic backups, and replication for data protection and disaster recovery. Cloud SQL supports popular database engines such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server, providing users with the flexibility to choose the database engine that best fits their needs. Users can also choose the machine type and storage size of their Cloud SQL instances, allowing them to scale their database performance and capacity based on their workload requirements.

DMS (Database Migration Service)

DMS is a fully managed service that allows users to migrate their databases to GCP with minimal downtime and disruption. With DMS, users can migrate their databases to GCP from various sources including on-premises data centers, other cloud providers, or existing GCP instances. DMS supports the migration of popular database engines such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server, and provides a flexible and scalable solution for migrating databases of all sizes. DMS provides a highly available and secure migration process, ensuring data consistency and minimal downtime during the migration process. DMS also provides a real-time monitoring dashboard and detailed logs, allowing users to track the status of their migration and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Persistent Disk

Persistent Disk is a block storage service that allows users to create and manage durable block storage volumes for their virtual machine instances. With Persistent Disk, users can create and attach durable block storage volumes to their virtual machine instances, providing reliable and persistent storage for their data. Persistent Disk volumes are replicated within a region and can be configured for high availability, providing protection against data loss in the event of hardware failure. Persistent Disk volumes support multiple machine types, allowing users to select the right performance and capacity for their workload requirements. Users can also resize their Persistent Disk volumes without having to detach or delete the volume, providing flexibility and scalability for their storage needs.

Cloud DNS

Cloud DNS is a scalable and reliable Domain Name System (DNS) service that allows users to manage their domain names and DNS records in the cloud. With Cloud DNS, users can create and manage DNS zones and records for their domain names, providing a scalable and reliable solution for DNS resolution. Cloud DNS provides low latency and high availability, allowing users to handle large query volumes with ease. Cloud DNS also provides advanced features such as DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions) for enhanced security, DNS forwarding for routing DNS queries to other DNS resolvers, and DNS peering for private DNS resolution between VPC networks.

Load Balancer

Allows users to distribute incoming network traffic across multiple instances of their applications or services, providing high availability, scalability, and performance. With Load Balancer, users can create and manage global, regional, or zonal load balancers for their applications or services, providing a scalable and reliable solution for handling incoming network traffic. Load Balancer supports various load balancing algorithms such as round-robin, least connections, and IP hash, allowing users to distribute traffic based on their specific requirements. Load Balancer also provides advanced features such as SSL/TLS termination for secure communication, HTTP(S) load balancing for web applications, TCP/UDP load balancing for non-HTTP services, and Cloud Armor for DDoS protection.

IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Allows users to manage access control and permissions for their cloud resources. With IAM, users can create and manage roles, permissions, and access policies for their GCP resources, providing a secure and flexible solution for managing access to their cloud-based applications and services. IAM allows users to assign roles to users, groups, or service accounts, providing granular control over who can access and perform actions on specific resources. IAM provides predefined roles for common GCP services, as well as the ability to create custom roles for specific resource types and actions. IAM also supports fine-grained permission control using resource-level permissions, allowing users to restrict access to specific resources and operations within a service.

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