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AWS Services From Lysa Technology

  • Total solution For BI,Applications & Databases!

    LYSA has access to an extensive range of resources and training to deploy, run and manage applications in the AWS cloud Services. From developing your cloud strategies and initial migration analysis to production cutovers and optimization, our certified AWS specialists will guide you through the entire cloud migration lifecycle.

  • Seamlessly manage workloads on AWS cloud!

    LYSA provides tailored and scalable technology solutions to meet their client's specific needs. They have a wide range of cloud capabilities and expertise in AWS database migration services, allowing them to create custom strategies that are tailored to their client's business objectives.

Shuchi Aggarwal

Experience The Perks Of AWS Cloud Services!

Amazing AWS support from Lysa!

Unparalleled Security

AWS uses and enforces industry-leading compliance measures enabling its user base with the security required to deliver confidence and unrivaled trust.

Peak Performance

Scaling is quick and simple, leveraging a combination of software, workload, infrastructure components, and configuration. Enjoy near 100% SLA in application deployment reliability.

An Industry Leader

Capitalize on Amazon’s global computing infrastructure for highly reliable, scalable, low-cost, and secure database, application, and BI management.

Choose Your Option

Whether deploying applications under AWS RDS for basic system administration services, or EC2 cloud, feel sure knowing both provide support for all famous database platforms, applications, and BI.

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Explore our latest and greatest AWS Cloud resources and success stories to learn more about how LYSA CONSULTANCY can assist you in unlocking the full power of the AWS Cloud.

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AWS provides a reliable, cost-effective, secure, and flexible platform that allows businesses to scale and innovate rapidly, without having to invest in costly infrastructure and resources upfront. Below we have highlighted our AWS services that allow businesses to best meet their needs and stay ahead of the competition:

EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Allows users to rent virtual servers or instances on the cloud. EC2 provides users with complete control over their computing resources, allowing them to launch instances in minutes and easily scale up or down as per their requirements. EC2 has become a popular choice among businesses and organizations of all sizes due to its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. It allows users to pay only for the resources they use and helps them avoid the costs associated with setting up and maintaining physical servers.

S3 (Simple Storage Service)

Allows you to store and retrieve large amounts of data in various formats, such as text, images, videos, and more, from anywhere in the world via a simple web interface or APIs. S3 provides durable and reliable storage with high availability and security at a low cost. You can use S3 to store and manage data for various use cases, such as backup and recovery, data archiving, data lakes, and web applications. It also offers features such as versioning, lifecycle policies, access controls, and encryption to help you manage your data effectively.

VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

Allows you to launch AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, RDS databases, and Elastic Load Balancers, within a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud, providing better availability and fault tolerance for your applications. With a VPC, you can define your own IP address range, create subnets, and configure route tables and network gateways. You can also control network access to and from your resources using security groups and network access control lists (ACLs). This allows you to create a secure and isolated environment in which to deploy your applications and services, providing you with complete control over your virtual network.


Permits users to collect and monitor log files, collect and track metrics, and set alarms. CloudWatch can monitor resources such as EC2 instances, RDS databases, Lambda functions, and many more AWS services. It collects and processes logs from these resources and provides insights into the performance and health of your applications and infrastructure. CloudWatch can also be used to create custom metrics, set alarms and notifications, and automate responses to changes in your environment.


Facilitates governance, compliance, risk auditing, and operational auditing of your AWS account. CloudTrail records all actions taken by users, roles, and services within your AWS account, and stores this information in a secure, immutable log file. You can also use CloudTrail to detect potential security threats, troubleshoot operational issues, and ensure compliance with internal and external policies and regulations. CloudTrail provides a record of all API calls made within your AWS account, including calls made via the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS SDKs. The service stores this data for up to seven years, which makes it a valuable resource for auditing, compliance, and forensics.

EFS (Elastic File System)

EFS offers a scalable, simple, and fully-managed file storage system for use with AWS Cloud services and on-premises resources. It offers a fully-managed service that provides an easy-to-use file system interface that can scale up to petabytes of data, and it can be accessed from multiple instances simultaneously. EFS is designed to be highly available and durable, and provides a file system that is accessible from multiple availability zones within a region, making it ideal for use in applications that demand high levels of scalability and availability. EFS is built to support a variety of workloads, including web serving, content management, data analytics, and more.

ECS (Elastic Container Service)

Allows users to easily run, manage, and scale Docker containers on a cluster of Amazon EC2 instances. ECS simplifies the process of deploying and managing containers at scale. It provides a highly scalable and flexible platform for managing containerized applications, making it ideal for use in microservices architectures and other cloud-native applications. With ECS, users can effortlessly deploy and manage containerized applications, without fretting about the underlying infrastructure. ECS provides a variety of features, including task definition and scheduling, auto-scaling, load balancing, and integration with other AWS services such as Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon Route 53.

Control Tower

Simplifies the process of setting up and governing a compliant, secure, multi-account AWS environment. Control Tower provides a pre-built environment with the necessary accounts, networking, security, and governance guardrails for users to start using AWS quickly. It also provides a set of best practices and recommended configurations to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. Control Tower provides a centralized view of all accounts in the environment, making it easy to manage and govern multiple accounts. It also provides automated account provisioning and management, making it easy to add or remove accounts and resources as needed.


Allows users to create and manage groups of AWS accounts, called ``organizational units`` (OUs), and apply policies and controls to these groups. This enables users to manage multiple AWS accounts as a single entity, with consolidated billing and centralized management. With Organizations, users can create and manage OUs, and apply policies and controls to these groups. Policies can be defined at the OU level and can include service control policies (SCPs) that allow or deny access to AWS services and resources within an OU. Organizations additionally provide a consolidated billing feature that permits users to consolidate billing and payment for multiple AWS accounts.

RDS (Relational Database Service)

With RDS, AWS provides a fully managed database service that allows users to deploy a relational database in minutes, without the need for manual configuration and maintenance of the underlying infrastructure. RDS supports several popular database engines, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MariaDB, among others. Some of the key features of RDS include automated backups, automated software patching, monitoring and metrics, multi-availability zone deployments for high availability and disaster recovery, and security features such as encryption at rest and in transit. Additionally, RDS makes it easy to scale up or down based on changing needs, without any downtime or data loss.

Database Migration Service

It is a fully-managed service that enables users to migrate databases to and from the AWS cloud with minimal downtime. It supports a variety of database engines, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Amazon Aurora, among others. DMS simplifies the process of database migration by automating many of the complex tasks associated with it. It supports both homogeneous migrations (migrating a database from one database engine to another of the same type) and heterogeneous migrations (migrating a database from one database engine to another of a different type).

EBS (Elastic Block Store)

It is designed to provide reliable, low-latency storage for use with EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instances. EBS volumes can be attached to EC2 instances, and they can be used as primary storage for operating systems, databases, and applications. EBS offers a wide range of features, such as automatic replication for high durability, snapshot functionality for backups, and encryption for data security. EBS volumes can be resized, detached, and reattached to other instances within the same Availability Zone, making it easy to scale and maintain storage capacity as needed.

Route 53

Allows users to manage the Domain Name System (DNS) records for their domain names and route internet traffic to the resources in AWS or outside of AWS. With Route 53, users can register domain names, route traffic to infrastructure that is running in AWS, and route traffic to other external resources. Route 53 provides a variety of DNS record types, including A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, SRV, and TXT records, which allows users to configure their DNS routing as per their requirements. Additionally, Route 53 provides DNS health checks and DNS failover features that allow users to monitor the health of their applications and automatically route traffic to healthy resources in case of failures.

Cloud Front

It is a content delivery network (CDN) that securely delivers data, applications, videos, and APIs to customers worldwide, with high transfer speeds and low latency. CloudFront uses a network of edge locations around the world to cache and distribute content, reducing the distance that data has to travel and providing faster access to content for end-users. CloudFront can be used to deliver both static and dynamic content, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, videos, and APIs. It supports HTTP/2, and IPv6, and can be used in combination with other AWS services to create scalable, fault-tolerant architectures.

Load Balancer

It automatically distributes incoming traffic across multiple instances or resources in a computing environment. It helps to improve the availability, scalability, and fault tolerance of applications by distributing traffic across multiple resources. Load balancers monitor the health of registered instances and automatically route traffic only to healthy instances. This helps to ensure that the application is highly available and that user requests are not affected by any single point of failure. AWS Load Balancers can be used in combination with other AWS services such as Auto Scaling, Amazon EC2, and Amazon ECS, to dynamically adjust the capacity of resources based on the traffic demand.

SNS (Simple Notification Service)

It is a messaging service that enables applications, services, and devices to send and receive push notifications to mobile devices, email, SMS, and other subscribed endpoints. With SNS, developers can decouple the message sender from the message receiver and scale their applications to distribute messages to a large number of subscribers. SNS supports a variety of messaging protocols including HTTP/HTTPS, email, SMS, mobile push notifications, and Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) among others. SNS allows developers to create topics to which messages can be published, and subscribers can subscribe to these topics to receive the messages.

IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Enables customers to manage access to AWS resources securely. It allows users to create and manage AWS users and groups, assign policies to them to control permissions and enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security. IAM allows users to create unique identities with specific permissions to access the AWS resources that they need while denying access to resources they don't need. Users can be assigned different access levels based on their roles, and permissions can be assigned to users at the individual or group level. IAM also provides detailed auditing and logging capabilities to help monitor and track access to AWS resources.

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